Кадровая политика

Кадровая политика

Personnel Policy (PP) of KUS LLP is based on the principles of ensuring reliability and functioning of the interaction of all the companies of the Group, through effective management of human resources able to realize strategic goals and objectives of the Partnership. PP defines the rights and obligations of employees and management of the Company, the basic requirements for labor discipline, the development and implementation of staff development programs; regulates the conditions of remuneration of employees, the procedure of hiring, promotion and transfer to another position; establishes liability for violation of this Policy, as well as allows for a professional assessment of employees and their motivation.

An authorized body of KUS LLP is the Administrative Department, which coordinates labor relations with staff and develops PP. The purpose of the department is to be involved in ensuring success of the Partnership through the execution of strategies to attract, retain, motivate and develop highly skilled workers. Production of electricity and heat is associated with risk; therefore the Company places high demands on professional and moral qualities of the employees, as well as on strict observance of discipline, rules and safety standards.

KUS LLP is interested in attracting highly skilled, highly motivated employees who are able to work in team, solve new, including non-standard tasks, and ready to improve their skills. The Company is particularly interested in attracting young professionals who have successfully completed higher education in specialized field.

As a responsible employer acting in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company takes care of providing appropriate working conditions and social well-being of its employees, is committed to providing career opportunities and realizes the potential of each employee.

Thus, the base of personnel management system of KUS LLP includes the following guiding principles:

  • Inclusion of all managers in the personnel management process, construction of managers training system for learning personnel management principles and methods, development of documentation related to work with staff for the managers at all levels;
  • Recruitment, placement and promotion of staff according to professional, business and psychological qualities on the basis of an objective evaluation of their activities;
  • Filling vacancies with the use of a judicious combination of internal and external resources;
  • Creating conditions for professional and personal growth of workers;
  • Raising the standard of living of workers and their families, creating a system of social and labor guarantees;
  • Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team;
  • Maximum available implementation of modern HR technologies and automation of HR processes;
  • Flexible, dynamic development of PP, which adequately meets the current interests of KUS LLP;
  • Formation of a positive image of the Company.

Today about 11 thousand people work at KUS Group. The staff consists of highly qualified specialists capable to transfer invaluable experience to the younger generation. Among the leading research employees of the company there are about 100 Honored Power Engineers of Kazakhstan and the CIS.