Thoroughly and according to plan

Friday, 30 June's 2017
- At the thermal power plant CHPP-3, the current repairs of two boiler units and two turbines have already been completed. Currently, a major overhaul of boiler unit No. 6 is being carried out, which will continue until the end of August. Commissioning work will begin in September. The thermal power of the unit is 251 Gcal. The main components replaced on the boiler are screen pipes with a total weight of 146 tons, a steam heater weighing 10 tons, a KPC piping weighing 3.2 tons, a cold steam heater - 27 tons, a belt heater of 391 coils. There is a major overhaul of rotating mechanisms, mills, pumps, and so on. There are no delays from the schedule, and the work is currently 42 percent completed. After boiler No. 6 is put into operation, it will carry 420 tons per hour of steam, 251 Gcal. It provides electricity and heat to the city in winter.
As the chief engineer of CHPP-3 further said, clearly showing the work in full swing, the cost of a major overhaul of boiler unit No. 6 is 1 billion 272 million tenge. According to technical operating standards, major repairs of equipment are carried out every four years. Currently, the station is undergoing routine repairs of boiler unit No. 8. The implementation of the plan exceeded 60 percent. In addition, ongoing repairs of two turbines are underway. On July 1, a major overhaul of turbine No. 1 will begin, which will last until the start of the new heating season. The reliability of equipment operation will increase after the completion of the repair campaign. In preparation for the heating season, work is being carried out to clean the heat exchangers of turbine equipment from scale. In former times, that is, back in the Soviet Union, the acid washing technique was used. Currently, turbine condenser tubes are washed using microorganisms. As a result of their vital activity, they release weak acids that interact with calcium carbon sludge, destroying its adhesion to the inner surface of the tubes. The scale eventually precipitates and is washed out along with the water. Such events must be held every four years.
Biological cleaning of thermal power plant equipment is possible for heating equipment at thermal power plants, state district power plants, boiler houses and other heating plants where scale can accumulate. This is a new environmentally friendly development that does not require special disposal. The bacteria used in cleaning heating equipment are also constantly modified. For most different scale compositions, bacteria are already available in the laboratory. At the moment there are a little more than thirty-three biological compositions. Biological solutions are selected for individual equipment. That is, first a sample of the equipment that will be cleaned is taken. Specialists in the chemical laboratory select the composition that is necessary and works best. They calculate the time and develop regulations for working with the bacterium. Engineers directly go to sites where they carry out cleaning according to the regulations prescribed by the laboratory chemists. The biological composition works effectively.
During cleaning work, the calculation of the number of microorganisms depends on the volume of equipment and the final conclusion of the laboratory after trial tests. For example, 1000 liters may contain 5% bacteria or more. In addition, the cleaning itself can last from a day to a week. Microorganisms can be stored unopened for up to six months. Bacteria used to clean equipment die out in the absence of scale. As soon as the scale disappears, the life cycle of microorganisms ends. They do not require special disposal.
As for the auxiliary equipment of the CHPP-3 station, significant attention will also be paid to it in the repair program. By the beginning of the heating season, cooling tower No. 2, bulldozer and diesel locomotive park will be repaired, and a section of the return pipeline of the heating network will be replaced. A number of activities are associated with the ash dump, where the first stage of work will be carried out to build up the dams of the third section.
Today, Karaganda Energy Center LLP is the main producer of electrical and thermal energy for the population and enterprises of the city of Karaganda. And as the power engineers themselves often note, the company’s main task is stable, cost-effective, safe production of electricity and heat. The life of a modern person, especially in a big city, is difficult to imagine without electricity, hot water supply and central heating. We are accustomed to comfort, and we want to be sure that we will be provided with it. Naturally, if there is timely payment.
Reliable operation of the equipment of both stations of the energy producing company largely depends on timely, high-quality repairs carried out in the off-season. Judging by the pace taken and the thorough approach taken, the repair work at CHPP-1 and CHPP-3 will be completed on time.