Periodicals - Safety first

Safety first

Safety first
Monday, 21 February 2022
— Our employees worked for four years without incidents or injuries. In September 2020, the milestone of 1,000 days of operation without accidents was reached. At the beginning of 2022, we reached our goal of 1,500 incident-free days. It is known that the absence of injuries in any workplace is the result of systematic work in the field of occupational safety and health. MREK JSC continues to improve processes aimed at improving safety procedures. The Occupational Safety and Health Service carries out many different activities aimed at creating healthy and safe working conditions. Our main goal is to improve the working conditions of employees, to move towards conscious production, where each employee must take a responsible approach to completing assigned tasks,” said Shabai Nurimov, head of the Labor Safety and Health Service of MREK JSC.

In 2021, the enterprise carried out 12 comprehensive scheduled inspections. Priority occupational safety measures include a 100% medical examination of workers; control over the position and condition of workwear; control over the environmental condition of the territory of distribution zones and production units; instructing employees on safety and labor protection issues (introductory briefing, initial at the workplace, repeated, if necessary, unscheduled and targeted).

— In 2016, instructions for identifying hazards, assessing risks and determining management measures were developed and implemented. The instruction establishes the procedure for identifying industrial hazards, a methodology for assessing risks in order to minimize and manage them before starting work. Thanks to the execution of the instructions and the involvement of all production personnel in work aimed at improving working conditions, monitoring production safety, implementing multi-level control at workplaces and training personnel, it allowed us to achieve high results, said a category 1 occupational safety engineer of the Occupational Safety and Health Service JSC "MREC" Edilkhan Dzhumamuradov.

JSC MREK has declared 2022 the Year of Safe Work. An action plan consisting of 40 points was developed and approved. A Safety Observation Card will be introduced among the company's employees to record violations. The map was developed by the Occupational Safety and Health Service specifically to monitor working conditions, safe organization and conduct of work.

— Violations will be analyzed based on the completed Safety Observation Cards. In cases of gross violations of safety regulations, measures will be developed, training and explanations will be organized aimed at developing safe behavior among workers. We are not going to stop there. The Labor Safety and Health Service of MREK JSC has established a new priority for personnel safety to achieve the level of 2000 days without injuries, noted Shabay Nurimov.
Источник: Republican newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" dated January 20, 2022.
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