"Karagandy Zharyk" carries out current and major repairs on power lines

Friday, 9 June's 2017
To carry out planned repairs and reconstruction of power facilities, there is a need to temporarily limit the power supply to consumers. The restriction is introduced, first of all, to ensure the safety of customers and the safety of their electrical equipment. Energy workers are doing everything possible to reduce the time of electricity limitation.
In the structural division of Karagandy Zharyk LLP, there are several services that carry out operational supervision of the condition of equipment and structures of electrical networks, repair them, test them and carry out the necessary technical measures to ensure uninterrupted, reliable and high-quality power supply to subscribers.
Scheduled repairs are a set of works aimed at maintaining and restoring the functionality of equipment. It includes current and major repairs.
Current repairs require a short-term stop and shutdown of the equipment with voltage relief. During routine maintenance of equipment, broken and worn parts are repaired. Thus, current repairs are aimed at eliminating failures and malfunctions that arise during the operation of electrical equipment.
In addition to planned repairs, in the practice of power systems there are unplanned repairs: emergency repairs and unscheduled ones. The task of emergency repair is to eliminate the consequences of accidents or eliminate damage that requires immediate shutdown of equipment. For this purpose, there is an operational repair team of Karagandy Zharyk LLP. At any time of the day, at any time of the year, specialists of the operational repair team of Karagandy Zharyk LLP eliminate breakdowns and problems caused by equipment wear, human negligence or the vagaries of nature.