News Agencies - The international rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP rating “BB-”, outlook “Stable”

The international rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP rating “BB-”, outlook “Stable”

The international rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP rating “BB-”, outlook “Stable”
Saturday, 28 October's 2017
The national long-term rating of the domestic energy company was confirmed at the level of “BBB+(kaz)”, the forecast is also “Stable”. Such a high rating from the world's largest rating agency, which analyzes the activities of the most famous corporations in the international space, is due to the progressive economic policy that Kazakhstan Utility Systems purposefully pursues.

Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP is a successful company operating in the energy sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The KKS group is represented in the Karaganda, South Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan and Mangistau regions. The Group effectively implements its own Development Strategy, which meets the state policy in the energy industry. The main factors for the development of KKS are: the modernization of existing assets, the construction of new power grids, the expansion of generating and energy transmission capacities, as well as the customer focus of sales companies.

As its priority, Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP sees the use of innovative solutions at its production facilities, a scientific, innovative approach and optimization of energy costs. This applies to all subsidiaries of the KKS Group.
The Group employs about 11 thousand employees. Last year, during the International festival-competition “Choice of the Year No. 1 in Kazakhstan,” Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP was recognized as “Energy Company of Kazakhstan No. 1 – 2016.”

Today, Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP is included in the TOP-4 largest energy companies in Kazakhstan.
Источник: IA Zakon.KZ, 10/27/2017
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