Akim of Mangistau region Nurlan Nogaev awarded power engineers of MREK JSC

Monday, 21 February 2022
The head of the region congratulated those gathered on the Energy Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and wished them further success in their work.
Nurlan Nogaev presented the medal “For Contribution to the Electric Power Industry” to Zhaksylyk Berikzhanovich Sagymbekov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Operations of MREK JSC. Zhaksylyk Berikzhanovich has been in the profession for more than 20 years, and during this time he has gone through a difficult path from an electrician to a management position. The power engineer has devoted his entire life to the industry; he calls his profession nothing more than a vocation. On the same day, Zhaksylyk Berikzhanovich received another award; he was awarded the “Kurmet Belgisi” medal on behalf of the Kazenergotrade Union.
For a conscientious attitude to work, timely and high-quality performance of official duties, for the desire for development and professional growth, the regional akim presented the “Honored Energy Engineer” badge to the chief engineer of the Zhetybay Distribution Zone, Mirzagul Adayevich Inzhibaev. Also, the head of the region presented a letter of gratitude to the Chairman of the Board of MREK JSC Aidar Makhambet for his contribution to the socio-economic development of the Mangistau region.
- The energy sector is the force driving the social sphere and industry; it is the golden core of the economy, the main locomotive. Energy is one of the main economic pillars of Independent Kazakhstan and part of our daily life. In recent years, this area has been developing rapidly. Despite the weather conditions and seasons, you uninterruptedly provide electrical energy and heat to social facilities, enterprises and residential buildings. On behalf of the residents of the region, I express gratitude for your hard work,” said the regional akim.
The chairman of the Kazakhstan Industrial Trade Union of Energy Workers Orazbek Bekbas also took part in the award ceremony. He presented the enterprise's power engineers with well-deserved awards for high professionalism, conscientious performance of work duties and active social activities. The “Enbek Ozaty” medal on behalf of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded to the chairman of the trade union committee of the NGO “Local Trade Union of MREK JSC” Bauyrzhan Alibekov. Bauyrzhan Tuimabaevich has been heading the trade union of MREK JSC for the third year. Repeatedly awarded with various state and industry awards.
On this day, other worthy workers in the energy industry were also expected to receive awards. For their significant contribution to the development of the electric grid complex, professionalism and dedication to the profession, more than 50 employees of MREK JSC were awarded certificates of honor and letters of gratitude on behalf of the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association, Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP, Kazenergotrade Union, KAZENERGY Association.
The high title “Honored Power Engineer of the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association” was awarded to Kydyrbek Mailanov, head of the Beineu district of electrical networks of Mangistau Regional Electric Grid Company JSC. Over his 29-year career, Kydyrbek Tabylganovich went through all the stages: from an electrician to a management position. And all this time, he was tirelessly developing in a technical direction, constantly expanding his knowledge, and following new technologies in the energy industry. To this day, the experienced power engineer is a wise mentor for young specialists, passing on to them his professional knowledge and many years of experience. For his many years of work, professional qualities and contribution to the energy industry, Kydyrbek Mailanov was repeatedly rewarded with industry awards. In 2020, he was awarded a jubilee medal in honor of the 100th anniversary of GOELRO. As Kydyrbek Mailanov himself says, the secret to achieving success at work is quite simple - you need to love your chosen profession, treat your colleagues sincerely and with respect, appreciate your elders and learn from them invaluable work experience, help young people and strive to become the best by mastering new production technologies.
The title of “Honorary Power Engineer of the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association” was received by the dispatcher of the Zhetybay Distribution Zone Toyir Kidirbaevich Idrisov.
The “Ardager Power Engineer of the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association” badge was awarded to Besimbai Zheksenovich Sarniyazov, the driver of the operational team of the Aktau Distribution Zone. He began his career more than 40 years ago.
Certificates of honor from the “Kazakhstan Electric Power Association” were awarded to six power engineers. 35 employees were rewarded with certificates of honor and letters of gratitude on behalf of Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP.
Leading engineer of the Relay Protection and Automation Service of MREK JSC Erbol Akzhanatovich Aminov was awarded the KAZENERGY medal. Four employees of the company were awarded certificates of honor and letters of gratitude on behalf of the KAZENERGY association.
From the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the medal “Electrician of the energy industry salasyna қoskan үlesі ushin” was awarded to the electrician for repairing equipment of the Buzachinsky Distribution Zone Alibek Utelgenovich Zhailiev.
The “Kurmet Belgisi” medal of the Kazenergotrade Union was awarded to the head of the Mechanization and Transport Service, Ganibek Tynyshbekovich Akzhigitov. For their personal contribution to the development of the electric power industry, 250 employees of the enterprise were awarded jubilee medals in honor of the 55th anniversary of MREK JSC.
- The enterprise team has done invaluable, enormous work on the comprehensive electrification of the Mangistau region. The achieved successes of employees are the result of many years of experience, high professionalism and dedicated work. There are many of us, and we are all part of one whole - one company, one team. Your work deserves special gratitude and respect. Strengthening the energy security of our region largely depends on your professionalism and responsible attitude to business. First of all, this year we managed to prevent occupational injuries - this is the main indicator of our work, since the most valuable thing is human resource. This is the merit of the entire team of the enterprise. I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday – Energy Worker’s Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! I would like to thank my colleagues for their responsibility in fulfilling production tasks and mutual assistance. I am confident that thanks to professionalism, perseverance and a creative approach, we are capable of solving assigned tasks and implementing the most daring plans. On this holiday, I wish you trouble-free work, endless vital energy, good health and prosperity. May the fire of sincere dedication to your work never go out in your soul, and may your professional activity bring well-deserved success, said Aidar Makhambet, Chairman of the Board of Mangistau Regional Electric Grid Company JSC.
At the end of the meeting, regional akim Nurlan Nogaev highly appreciated the work of every citizen working in the energy sector and wished him success in his work.